
Save up to 40% on your dental supplies

Place orders with confidence knowing you’re purchasing the most cost effective products in the marketplace.

Price Comparison

Instantly Compare Supplier Pricing

Invedent brings all of your favourite suppliers into one place, allowing you to shop the best deals available on the market.

Stock Availability Insights

Never let backorders catch you out again

Always know if suppliers a supplier is out of stock before you place your order. If a supplier doesn’t have stock, then you can easily pick another that does.

Centralised Ordering

Place orders across all suppliers in one place

Easily compare supplier stock availability, shipping costs and delivery terms. Keep on top of your orders.

3-Way Invoice Matching

No more paper-based invoice cross-checking

Quickly upload your invoice and check off your stock when it arrives to ensure everything has been correctly received. Invedent will also handle your backorders.

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No Lock in Contract

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What to explore next?

Smart Ordering Recommendations

Get recommended how much to order and never over-order again.

Never Run Out of Stock in your practice again

Trust Invedent to implement a stock process that you can trust in the practice

Easy Track Stock Locations in the practice

Instantly assign each item in the practice to a stock location

Shop Australia’s Largest Dental Marketplace

Discover top-quality dental products from leading brands, all in one convenient place. Shop with confidence and find everything you need to support your dental practice.