How A Stock Management System Improves Your Dental Practice

Luca Tizzano
March 12, 2024

Reducing waste is the ultimate goal of effective stock management for every dental practice.

Let's admit it: team members in many dental practices hate manually entering data into a spreadsheet. It's that tedious, repetitive task draining their energy and causing productivity levels to take a nosedive.

Can you confidently say that your dental practice achieves 100% efficiency with manual stock management?

Be honest.

Everyone in a dental practice feels the weight of managing inventory with the old-school spreadsheet system.

What if we told you that these issues stem from a lack of automation?

A good stock management system means the difference between blowing the budget and having control over costs - not to mention that implementing an effective stock control system automates and streamlines stock processes, eliminating the tedious task of manually entering data.

So, let’s take a more in-depth look at these issues and how a stock management system can solve them once and for all.

1. Automated Stock Control For Dental Practices: What Is It & How Does It Work?

A dental practice can track and manage stock in two ways: the hard way and the easy way.

Tracking and managing stock manually (the hard way) is time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient. In contrast, automation (the easy way) ensures that your practice runs lean and efficiently while staying on budget.

That’s why implementing a stock management system goes far beyond the bells and whistles.

Dental practices utilizing automated stock control can streamline operations, including stock counting, order placement, tracking, and shipping.

Despite this, 95 % of Australian dental practices track their inventory manually! (That’s why Invedent is proud to be Australia’s only stock management system specifically designed for dental practices).

If you’re used to counting and tracking stock manually using giant Excel spreadsheets, you may ask yourself what automated stock control is all about.

Imagine a jar filled with candies. You can painstakingly count each piece of candy, then recount to double-check, leaving ample room for errors.

This is a common challenge that many dental practices encounter with stock management - manual processes often result in inaccurate counts, leading to frustrated staff members and decreased efficiency.