Luca’s Top 3 Tips for Running a Successful Dental Practice

Luca Tizzano
January 9, 2024

Business management for dentists is as important as patient care.

Just like any other business, a dental practice thrives on strategic planning, tangible results, and a committed team dedicated to achieving them.

Until dental schools update their curriculum to better equip students for the business aspects of dentistry, it's crucial for dentists to actively seek out knowledge about "non-dental" areas like business and leadership.

After spending more than seven years working closely with professionals in the dental industry, I have acknowledged that dentists should primarily focus on three sound business fundamentals: education, people, and processes.

Let’s explore each of these key factors and see how they contribute to your practice's success.  

Table of contents:

  1. Education
  2. People
  3. Processes

1. Education

Young practitioners and high-performing dentists should not only focus on clinical education and training but also seek resources that provide a solid understanding of the business skills necessary to run a successful practice.

Rather than being held back by a lack of business knowledge, all dentists should have convenient access to education that assists them in developing systems and interpreting practice management reports.

As a dentist, becoming a self-taught entrepreneur is possible - as long as you create a learning environment that is fun and rewarding.

However, the quick and easy way to transition from dentist to dental entrepreneur is by having someone you trust by your side. Someone who can show you the ropes and help you implement the right systems to streamline your practice for tangible results.

There are many dental business coaching programs out there (The Savvy Dentist created by Dr Jesse Green is just one of many examples).

These programs can greatly benefit your practice by offering the appropriate education and guidance on developing financial acumen and fostering high-performance teams.

The expertise of a dental business coach will enable you to quickly understand the key drivers of your business and remove any obstacles to profitability and success.

Long story short, here’s my first tip for running a successful practice: invest in education and high-quality coaching to turn your dental practice into a successful business.